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2004-10-27 - 12:25 p.m.

Hmmm....maybe I'll pick this diary back up for my lunchtime boredom...maybe I'll even start writing poetry again...or maybe I'll just take a quiz and post it ...

Your soul is bound to the First Totem, Ares:
The Dove

Ares appears as a pearl dove. She embodies
love, peace, balance, and devotion. She
is associated with the color pearl, the season
of transition, and the element of love. Her
downfall is idolization.

You are most compatible with Wolves and White

Which Animal Spirit Totem Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

And then I took it again because it wouldn't let me pick all the colors that I find equally appealing, so here it the second result. I can see myself in both of them :)

Your soul is bound to the Fourth Totem, Solomon:
The Owl
. Solomon appears as an azure feathered owl. He
embodies wisdom, judgement, reason, and
. He is associated with the color
azure, the season of autumn, and the element of
water. His downfall is farsightedness. You are most compatible with Ravens and Monkeys.

Which Animal Spirit Totem Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hmmm...not much else on my mind...just sitting here eating lunch and contemplating my next task of sorting through endless medical records for a new case. I don't know if anyone even reads this thing anymore, but if you do, how about some writing topics? I've got an hour each day that I would like to use for something other than eating my lunch in the very same chair at the very same desk that I spend the rest of my day working at.

Mmmmm....vacation...that's a good topic. I am so excited about vacation time and it's one week away! I had a good time last year at BR, but I'm feeling more social and more relaxed this year, so it will be interesting to see how it all unfolds. I am fighting off the urge to plan because that leads to expectations and, well, historically those aren't really productive for me...they make me think too much (imagine that...) to finish eating and get back to work

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